Drew BudwininLevel Up CodingImproving Django Queries Using Django Query ProfilerIt’s an exercise in frustration to blindly try to optimize a query when you don’t know which query is slow and why it is slow.Jan 23, 20211Jan 23, 20211
Drew BudwininLevel Up CodingCreating Git Aliases To Boost Your ProductivityGit aliases are a feature of Git that can be used to simplify and supercharge Git workflows.Dec 15, 2020Dec 15, 2020
Drew BudwininLevel Up CodingPython: A toxic work environment (tox & poetry)Feel free to clone my sample GitHub repository and follow along when reading this blog 👍Dec 4, 20201Dec 4, 20201
Drew BudwininLevel Up CodingDependency Injection in Python 3 with TestingA simple guide demonstrating how to refactor a basic Python program to use dependency injection with testability in mind.Feb 18, 20202Feb 18, 20202